Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Episode 5 "Its a romp...as it were"

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Show notes for Episode 5:

Jeremiah's SOW: Milanese - "Barry Dub" from Adapt
Sam's SOW: The Flower/ Corsano Duo - "Water" from The Raidiant Mirror

1:25 - Weekly....?
9:45 - Please please please check out Techno Animal - Brother Hood of the Bomb (still available from e-music)
23:00 - Christ Corsano
24:14 - Ok to be honest I only like some Justice, but its still ok even now that every middleschoolers brother knows it.
26:50 - HAVE I READ PLANETARY...indeed!
28:00 - There is our weekly Liefield reference
29:00 - Youngblood
33:00 - Crecy

??:?? - We go on to talk about Planet Hulk in length and with some good thoughts, but honestly DIDNT FINISH IT, which I think sums it up.

Skrulls and rumors - Jeremiahs back room dealings with somebody "in the know" who now that i think about it could be a skrull trying to throw us of the trail

I dont know about Cable being dead I dont know where I heard that.

I also dont know how i supposedly know this stuff about Uncanny X-Men that I have never read.

All those Ultimate things i talk about i have since been caught up on and read. Most was OK we have an upcoming ramble fest on all of Ultimate stuff though.

Joe Mad - Battle Chasers, Ultimates 3

Fun Home is the greatest comic book ever!

Turns out that Iron Man, artist is who designed the whole Iron Man movie which actually looks great.

The whole Batman: Begins argument starts here. I cant even fathom his arguments.

They actuallya re making an Ant Man movie!

actually power pack looks ok

Still havent seen the Simpson Movie

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Email: Talksplosion@gmail.com
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