Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Episode 6 "A level of rediculousness that most things dont reach"

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Jeremiah's SOW: Kid Camaro - Dusk
Samuel's SOW: Tiny Vipers - Forest on Fire

Oh jesus I love badminiton

We agreed on Jeremiahs track, from his "friend" Kid Camaro

Jeremiah doesnt like CD-R's. I only put out CD-R's so we are at am impass. I guess we werent talking about our own labels but I am getting rid of that rule. We both run indie labels.

We both know Jesy Fortino who is Tiny Vipers, and we both like her but I felt that she could have in general, done better than this CD. Listen to her recently repackaged demos for why i feel like that. I dont think Jeremiah ever picked the Tiny Vipers CD up, hes a horrible friend.

I cant even understand what I was trying to say about the Shins

Yellow Swans - Decension Yellow Swans: IS GREAT! its the precursor to At All Ends. It is out on CD, Vinyl, and MP3.


Sam is reading DMZ from Brian Wood on Vertigo. He kinda likes it.

Jeremiah read Spiderman: Reign, he kinda liked it and then some how compairs it to Dark Knight Returns.

Jeremiah starts a Spiderman rant....it all sounds like crap.

Endangered Species booo

Hulk is dumb

I didnt mean Jews are racist across the board, im saying that it is possible for Jews to be racist even though they likely targets of racism themselves.

Jeremiah organizes his comics chonologically I generally do it by writer. We discuss this at length.

Planetary/ Batman is hilarious.

Jeremiah nerds out about continuity here

Hulk is still dumb

Sentry is boring, BUT liked the white background pages of his story, I love Steve McNiven's art.

Jeremiah doesnt like Superman, but we agree the Seinfeld commercials are awesome

RSS: http://odeo.com/channel/472363/rss.xml
Email: Talksplosion@gmail.com
My Odeo Podcast

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI: I evetually picked up the Tiny Vipers, so I am not a horrible friend, I also gave it to my stepmom for x-mas, so actually I bought it twice!